
Illustration 1

p tajos 1

a1 Total width of sheet
a2 Perforated area
b1 Length of sheet
b2 Perforated area
c1 Unperforated area between slots
c2 Bar width
f1 / f2 Margins along the width
e1 / e2 Margins along the length
p1 Pitch
p2 “A” Value
w Width of slot
I Length of slot


Ilustration 2

p tajos 2

a1 Total width of sheet
a2 Perforated area
b1 Length of sheet
b2 Perforated area
c1 Unperforated area between slots
c2 Unperforated area between slot ends
f1 / f2 Unperforated margins along the end
e1 / e2 Unperforated margins along the side
p1 Pitch
p2 “A” Value
w Width of slot
I Length of slot


Ilustration 3

p tajos 3

a1 Total width of sheet
a2 Perforated area
b1 Length of sheet
b2 Perforated area
c Bar width (unperforated sheet)
f1 / f2 Unperforated margins along the end
e1 / e2 Unperforated margins along the side
p Pitch
p1 “A” Value
w Width of slot


p tajo a p tajo b p tajo c p tajo d 

p tajo e p tajo f p tajo g p tajo h

p tajo i p tajo j p tajo k p tajo l


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